Medical Sales Facts and Various Medical Sales Myths
Q: Are medical sales rep jobs are good? A: Some people have an image of medical sales rep career spending their days in sharp suits, taking doctors to lunch, and generally socializing their way through the day. What they're missing is parking garages, FDC regulations that prevent you from taking doctors to the really nice restaurants, and doctors, surgeons, and administrators who are too busy to meet with you. In reality, these jobs are hard work. You have to hustle to make the sale, because the competition is fierce. You have to keep up with medical and technological advancements to be knowledgeable about the marketplace and what the doctor required ( so he won't dismiss you as ignorant and not talk to you anymore ) And, you have to juggle multiple accounts that are all at different places in the sales cycle. Medical Sales Rep Q: Once you get a job in medical sales. isn't your career set? A: Uh, no. ( see the aforementioned competition. ) Q: If these j...